I wasn't raised in Kern County. I was raised in Victorville. You guys are the proud descendants of The Grapes of Wrath. Your Officers lied about me and you believe that I'll just go away. I'm the father of four Valedictorians among many other things and was raised hunting and fishing and riding dirt bikes(way before that was a common thing) and things that your guys try to do as adults. Carry a gun. To protect liars. Your soul is a mess.
You guys make a living off of protecting the alleged victims of victims of Capitalism(which has never really worked). People suffer every day at the hands of business and you guys are sold out gun toting idiots. Have you ever seen the film Serpico? You're just so proud to have a job in America. Right? Wouldn't chance that on honesty or intelligence....nahh.
Why on earth do you even peruse such a career? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Unless you are seriously retarded. I'm not kidding. I do not fear you. I never have. I pity you. You guys lied about me and I'm sure you've had a good laugh about that. Norris rd(IA). I read the name tag on his uniform(Norris) and I asked the bloke if he was related to Chuck Norris because he was all ignorantly bowed up in a fighting stance. My mistake. I'm so sorry. He was being a dipshit. And his egotistical characterization and lies have made history. But I'm only 50. I have as long as I have to get even with you. This is going to go around the world baby. There is no justice in these ignorant type of lies. I had no cartilage left in my right hip. I was in excruciating pain. You guys got me put in a mental hospital for over eight months and I lost my wife and family. When all I needed was surgery...and my wife was pathetically menopausal and completely hysterical. She bit me! She bit my comforting hand. Do I have to spell it out..."bitch"("bit comforting hand")? All I did was push up on her nose to get her to open her mouth. It left a red mark on her nose. I told her...you are going to have a red mark on your nose. She was hysterical for weeks after that and you guys played her game. At my expense. You guys are the real bitches' bitches in all of this. You want to bite me just like she did. When I'm your comforting hand. And what a story it is going to tell.
If you thought I was crazy before...you might want to check out my blog site. Unlike you guys...I do not lie. Most Cops are ignorant lower chakra liars. So are most Judges.
I was "wielding a knife and barking like a dog". There was no knife. And I made no sounds like anything like any sort of animal. I'll gladly die fighting that double lie. Get off your dammed ass. Do something about it. You don't give a damm about me do ya...what are are ya; a total fucking whore? This has been going on for two years. You're not the only one to get a copy of this. I don't give a damm...wrong is wrong.
If you do not reply...remember... you broke me...you own me. Put me in a mental hospital for the rest of my life. Just pick me one where I can have a girl friend. That's your bluff is it not? Like I give a shit. You are crazier than I am. But I don't care about how crazy you are. I don't even need faith. I know God. I've never known how to bluff. In either case the world is going to know about it. I may just post this on my blog site right now.
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