Sunday, November 29, 2009


My To Do List

Things to do. Priorities. Budget. Intelligence. Today I went shopping. Mojave. Stater Bros. Whole bean coffee was too high to buy(over $7.00 on sale). Maybe I’ll get by with what I have until they get the price back down to where it is reasonable again. If not…so what. They should be ashamed to begin with. People die for coffee, cocaine and heroin. What an indictment of a certain class of humanity. Oh well.

When I got home from Mojave I had to do something about my shower shampoo caddy. Its new…but keeps sliding down the shower head nozzle neck pipe(nipple) and pulling away from the two suction cup affairs that are supposed to keep it aright, thus allowing the shifted bottles of shampoo and body wash to fall out… resulting in a smashing impact on my shower floor tile. This has twice caused a tile to break loose from the VersaBond® adhesive; forcing me to reset them. I don’t need this. So I duct taped the caddy in place and got the best thing I could find out of my shed(happened to be a tube of Liquid Nails®) that would match, since all of my almond colored RTV and caulking has all dried up. Its in there drying and setting up right now. Then later I can remove the duct tape and hopefully the thing will stay in place. My goodness.

And I’ve got trees left to prune. Four left out of eight in my front yard. Today seems a bit cold and windy for getting outside on a ladder and pruning trees. Maybe tomorrow. I also have to treat every tree wound with tree wound compound. I still have half of the fourth tree that I’ve pruned to do that to.

As you can see…I have things to do. I put in 570 feet water lines for fourteen new trees next spring in my backyard and dug the ditches and the tree wells by hand. I have five (bed)rooms to convert and remodel along with two bathrooms and my kitchen. I want to buy a dirt bike next year to rehab my physicality...they are like the number two thing when it comes to overall body workout.

I have a lot to do; and so much still ahead of me. But most of the important stuff I have already gotten finished. I was married for 28 years and have been the father of four valedictorians and solved most of the worlds spiritual problems(I haven’t even shared a lot of that yet). I have learned and am learning; and I have gotten and am getting what I wanted to from this life. I should feel lucky.

But to me life and success is about the continued pursuit of worthwhile goals, rather than or perhaps, along with having a good feeling in your heart. That is why today I have decided to go ahead and get a couple of "to do things" done from my personal to do list that have to do with unfinished communication.

As a responsible adult…I have a couple of matters that I feel that I must share with and make clear to my fellow adults.

The first has to do with the importance of language and its usage. The alphabet is not physical or molecular, despite what Marx and others may have said or believed. Like music, language is spiritual: given to us by the spiritual guardians of humanity only to have been too often hijacked and overtaken by cretins and rogues whose only goal has been to pervert the truth to their own personal rogue/cretin ends. This is precisely why we need not troops; but tropes. Since the dawn of language…there has been no valid reason for war. But just look what has been and is still happening. Someone wants oil or someone wants heroin...or coffee or bananas or minerals(or someone is being blackmailed based upon their having had homosexual relations), so thousands upon thousands of young people die in the false name of patriotism. Unhealthy egoism. Not good for humanity.

Fuck heroin. The leaders(lucky and dumber, suck ass druggie, sold out con mark dick breath losers) of our world are not doing their job correctly because of heroin. And may I say fuck them to. Too many innocent and good human beings are suffering today because of our continued bad leadership. I’ve never seen(and I probably never will either see nor use) heroin. I’m hard wired for good food and a pleasurable neural chemical release that exceeds that of heroin. Perhaps I should thank my parents. Taco night was like everyone was on cocaine(which I've never seen or used either) followed by heroin. The rest of the time I was being beaten for no apparent reason. That was how I was programmed. So naturally I feel very, very good after eating tacos.

So you do heroin. So you do cocaine. So you are addicted to sex. Those things are no excuse for the way that our world has been continuing to go for over a hundred years. What we have been doing is not sustainable. What we are doing today is an attempt to cover up and foster a series of systemic cultural dynamics that are doomed to failure.

Undermining labor. Ridiculous short and long term capitalist bubble grabs of wealth and power. We far too often sell short what is good and profitable and take a long term position on what is meritless and unsustainable. Lincoln flatly stated that labor is primary to capital. What part of that do we not understand? That is where the pure concept of syndicalism and culture and society from the standpoint of labor and from the ground up is the true final functional solution. A Syndicalist/Socialist/Capitalist hybrid may be what we need. France should have already been doing this as the supposed leader of humanity. Yet they ban syndicalism as illegal. Just as Germany bans the swastika. People who proclaim that we are heading towards a feudalistic society are right. What a mess.

But I digress. What have we allowed to be done with language? "At the end of the day". Is anyone else sick of hearing that phrase? Everyone that I hear using the phrase "at the end of the day" without literally meaning the end of a certain day: has completely lost my respect…and that is a whole lot of people. Just watch American journalistic TV for 30 minutes and you will see what I mean. I once made a hatch mark for every time that a guy said the word "indeed" during a Sunday lecture at church(normally I took copious notes, this time I just made hatch marks) was 40 times in 45 minutes.

But that is a nearly completely insignificant and only a very small example compared to what has been done to the most powerful word in the English language. The word "gay" is the single most spiritually powerful world in the English language. Shakespeare would roll over in his grave if he knew how that the word gay has been so pervasively and so commonly used to mean homosexual or having something to do with sex whatsoever. Gay is a platonic term. The single most powerful platonic(spiritual) term in the English language. Something very ugly is going on.

The two single greatest things that have severely dumbed down modern western man are: the promoted misunderstanding concerning the swastika(since WWII) and the largely unquestioned use of the word gay in reference to something sexual. A Tom turkey is happy after he gets his rocks off too. Even does a little dance. But a turkey does not have what it takes to be truly gay. Neither does a homosexual that believes that hijacking the word gay makes him somehow gay. Homosexuality and the spiritual state of being gay, while perhaps for certain folks coincidental, are in no way and by no means synonymous. You can be gay or you can be homosexual or both…but one is not dependent upon the other; because you can be gay and celibate or gay and heterosexual as well. Gay means spiritually happy. What in the hell does that have to do with sex?

You may be celibate, heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or whatever and also be gay. But gay is not synonymous with anything having to do with sex. The order of the universe is platonic and even sex falls under that prioritized hierarchy. The best sex is platonic. Most people can’t conceive of such a thing as platonic sex. That is because we have been preconditioned by one incorrect popular notion after the other for millenniums. Of course sex is platonic. Nature itself is platonic. Only when we place sex above its proper station do we run into problems. Gay my ass.

The entire western human race should be ashamed and taken quite aback by the extent of the misuse and prevalence of the word gay to the extent that one or two entire generations understand this word to only mean homosexual or lesbian humanity. And yet we hear it used in this way every day by those whom we are expected to look up to. Go figure. You’re not truly gay…you’re just a geek(glandular/genetic etheric emphasized kid) that is happy because you got laid. There is a significant and very important distinction. Not that a geek(glandular/genetic etheric emphasized kid) would care about language. Or spiritual truth.

We are all evolving in one way or another. And there are various forms of entropy and atrophy within human evolution as a whole. Old control/dominance based instincts facing extinction tend to attempt to vie for evolutionary predominance. Those instincts and tendencies to vie are Jurassic. We really need to allow evolution to work its magic as free from prejudice, violence and ignorance as possible(epically PC prejudice, violence and ignorance ) . I've always been naturally gay. My dad told me that he had always been gay. It has nothing to do with sex one way or the other. That is all a part of the malignant ugliness that has besought western humanity for several centuries now. I may have sex with a man or a woman…and I may be gay; but my being gay is totally unrelated to my sexuality. Shame on us.

Let me just reiterate and sum this up. I, while possessing an arguably male physical body...may be bisexual and celibate with a definitely lesbian/bisexual subconscious anima or etheric bodily component factor(I know this from my dreams). And I am and always have been gay...but my being gay has nothing specifically to do with my sexuality one way or the other(repressed or otherwise). Also, I have absolutely no beef with anyone else due their sexual practices or orientation whatsoever. When you try to say something this basic and simple you may often encounter misunderstandings by immature persons who wish to play ugly schoolyard games with labels and name calling. Let us and our children be able to completely feel and to completely be gay without concern over our sexuality one way or the other; if that is not too much to ask. Otherwise...we are simply being immature and ugly; not that that has mattered to so, so many in the past.

So we’re a bit lost in the woods. Is anyone really surprised? Gay means spiritual ecstasy whether or not one possesses genitalia. So how long has this crap been going on? What a fucking mess.

And then trauma. Its everywhere. It has been passed on and exacerbated by generation after generation for millenniums and now threatens to be the very end of the human race if we don’t get a handle on it. War, terrorism, poverty, crime, self destructive behavior and all forms of violence are a result of the snowballing effects of human trauma. Most of which unfortunately remains sublimated, dissociated and unconscious; being acted and played out via our behavior. Its no wonder that we still have renowned stylish editorial journalists proclaiming that trauma does not exist; when they themselves personally are one of the most fitting poster children of our time for this precise subject/topic. We are reaching a saturation point when it comes to trauma. The following is what I will share with everyone else and has become my evolving coping mechanism and plan of attack.

First of all: "Satan actually never existed(sane)". Or at least that is the official line since the late 1980’s. Amnesty was offered to all forces both white and black…and well…. Satan went into witness relocation and changed his name. The top fifty percent of his organization took the deal as well. What we are left with at this time are the retarded or the dumber half of all of the fallen angels and black magicians who are simply just too fucking stupid to get the picture: which are still being given a sphere of activity within the factions of war….both class and otherwise, all forms of human divisiveness...PC and other wise; and in particular within the Jewish and Christian right of the United States and Israel. They have no legitimate spiritual leadership. Much like the Church of Satan...and the spoiled idiot Ivy League money people; they are indeed rogue. It is for the rest of us to merely watch and wait this thing out, knowing full well and good that their continued influence is unsustainable. Its over. It has been over for over twenty years. Someday I may tell you how I know. For… now suffice it to say that I know. I was there when it all went down.

Beyond that the Apostle Paul is back(and quite active in the spirit world). Only he has sort of backslidden into his old habits. He is torturing Christians again. And he is very good at it. It seems that Paul is not particularly happy or enthusiastic about the direction that Christianity has taken during the past millennium or two. Let’s say…how his life and writings were and have been and are still being used. Joining Paul in the reformation activities turns out to be the top fifty percent of the fallen angels who have taken amnesty and who are now working along side Paul doing God’s work. There is so much discipline to be meted out and precious little time. Time is only really on the side of the good you know.

So what I have decided to do in all of this is to cease to feel responsible for the trauma in the world that I have not caused: and to allow those who are truly responsible for it to simply own up to it with the full onus upon them. They’ve got mail…from God and from the Apostle Paul. Furthermore I return to sender all of the psychic mail that I may get from them. Times have changed. What can we say? Personally I make placebos out of the great schadenfreude and all of the spiritual pain that they must needs endure at the hands of Paul and his new allies; because I really prefer to feel well and good as much as possible. That is why I call my mincemeat recipe "schadenfreude mania". It has been millenniums in coming…but we are finally in the position to get a few things done. Ciao.


  1. Fascinating.

    War is the collective trauma of the millennia, and the new trauma you and me (well, not us) create. Yeats was right: The centre cannot hold. So: When and how will it spin out?

    Perhaps a few more phenyalanines + java will tell ... :)
