Saturday, May 2, 2009

Steiner means Rocker

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) about the fylfot, the Swastika:

Christianity took that little what it needed, into its traditions, its cult, and then it vanquished the origins of those cults. In the original cults, there were a lot of elements, with enormous meaning inside; but everything was turned around and everything was interpreted differently.

During my visit to England where one had a wide view over the area, one could find such signs there, swastikas, a symbol used to create much mischief in Germany today. This swastika is now being worn by people who have no idea that it was once a sign used to indicate to people who came from a long way off that the people in that place saw not only with their physical eyes but also with the eye of the spirit.

David Bowie--China Girl

"I stumble into town just like a sacred cow visions of swastikas in my head"

And may I just add this personal note: The swastika does not belong to any one group such as the so called Nazis; but actually spins clockwise in the center of each of our individual perceptual fields of vision, just below our own personal conscious level of awareness. Seeing it consciously, in its non subliminal form, is a matter of sensitivity. On a subconscious level of awareness the swastika of another who was facing you would indeed appear to be spinning counter clockwise and would tend to denote a deferring to the other person, rather than to your own natural higher intelligence. The evil that men do...

And I would be very remiss/Just watch it

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